Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Emmalyn McKenna's Impressions of VFW Opening Gala

For a designer, enrolled at Vancouver community college, Vancouver fashion week was an amazing experience. The designs were truly inspirational. 

The garments that I chose to illustrate were the ones that really spoke to me with fluid movement when the model walked down the runway. One of my favorite fabrics was a sheer one, made into a skirt with a boldly colored lining that accentuated the model's legs and drew the eye back up to the shape and movement of the whole look. With so many stunning outfits to choose from it was hard for me to pick which ones to illustrate when I'd start one illustration, another glamorous style immediately appeared on the runway. I wanted to capture them all. A sketch is only the first step in the process. Color, details, title/name, date, background, and maybe even a frame. Art in the making. 

Emmalyn McKenna

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