Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Virgin Radio Fake Film Festival Gala

Written by Treasure Seeker Colleen

Thanks to 24 Hours Vancouver, I attended my first ever Virgin Radio Fake Film Festival.  A shout out to Elise Toplass, Promotions Coordinator for 24, who answered my questions and got me to the door.  I dressed as Bill Cunningham's fake assistant and fake reporter for the New York Times, and so keeping in costume and theme, here I go.  This has become a yearly event, the brain child of Virgin Radio 95.3 FM.  The idea is to condense one of your favourite movies into a one minute snapshot/video and if possible, to have your actors look as much like the original as possible.  No-one did "Bill Cunningham, New York", which was why my costume didn't quite match the fabulous creations I saw.  The best costume prize is $10,000 so big incentive to go all out!  $10,000 trip to LA too, to see the band, "Cold Play' and a host of other fun activities, too.  Top 3 movie adaptations got $1,000 each so the evening is just full of entertainment, dress up, food, film and music.  I can see Bill there, interviewing and snapping off shot after shot.  Guess he could stow his bike in the coat room. The number one movie winner was "Alice in Wonderland".  Imagine trying to fit all of that into such a short time limit.  Only the most inventive should apply.  Did I see Johnny Depp - yes, he was in the darkest corners, along with Alice and a cat. People's Choice - What else but "Twilight"!  And others, well, you can only imagine but here they are: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, Requiem For A Dream, REC, Rocky 1, The Dark Knight, The Social Network, Halloween, Ghost and Harry Potter.  Performances by Sweet Thing and Carly Rae Jepson, Dirty Radio and assorted Go-Go Dancers really kept everyone dancing and jumping.  There was a lot of buzz where ever you went: "Are you one of the film makers?"  "Are you an investor?", "Are you an actor?" "Do you work for Virgin Radio?" or the often asked, "Who are you, anyway?"  Who ever you are, you will love this event, whether you are a film maker, a sponsor, an actor, a fake or real reporter (there should be more because this is a terrific event) or just someone who enjoys Virgin Radio and the movies, you should go.  I hear that plans are already underway for the next event!  Food was superb, vodka lovely, candy floss and popcorn a really neat idea.  Thanks very much 24hrs Vancouver and Virgin 95.3 FM.  Hope to be there next year in whatever shape or form.  Kudos, all!


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