Sunday, May 30, 2021

Raquel Ale Campos: Bringing So Much To Jewellery Design, Science, Economics and Family

Raquel is an award winning VCC Jewellery and Design Program Grad! I saw her recent display at the Annual Student Exhibition at the VCC Broadway Campus 1120 E 7th (south east corner of Glen Drive and E 7th) May 29-June 12. Here are 3 photos that show one of her exquisite necklaces, her Designer Statement and her Karl Brown Scholarship. More details via her Instagram raquelale. Thanks Raquel, for bringing Brazil to Vancouver Jewellery.

I have been attending the VCC Jewellery and Design Program Exhibitions and Sales for many years and encourage you to do the same. Usually at the VCC Campus, downtown, they are a fine example of unique jewellery design as well as fantastic displays of training and talent. Here is an interview with Karin Jones, Department Head of the program: COVID 19 Interviews: VCC Jewellery: How Students Shine On | Clothes Line Finds - Vintage clothing, fashion events and reviews

Interview Questions and Responses:

Q: Where are you from and does that influence your work?

A: My name is Raquel Ale. I am the mother of two boys, chemical engineer, former stockbroker, and now a jewellery designer. I recently graduated in Jewellery Art & Design at VCC, and I loved every second of it. As much as learning metalsmithing techniques and design principles was exciting and challenging, my favorite part of the program was the people. It was inspiring and life-changing to have the opportunity to learn from my peers and instructors, who are as passionate about jewellery as I am.

I am originally from Amazonas, Brazil, and I have been in Vancouver for nearly four years. Brazil is a very colourful and culturally rich country; those colours and energy have an enormous influence on my designs. The people are warm and expressive, and perhaps that explains our relationship with jewellery and accessories. For example, it is not unusual for me to wear three different earrings on the same day. In my opinion, the more expressive the person is, the more they are willing to display their identity through jewellery.

Q: Do you think that Jewellery/Accessories are visible on the runway, on TV, and at important Ceremonies?

A: From the glamour of a runway and a red carpet to the simplicity of day-to-day life, fashion and jewellery are everywhere and complement one another. A simple dress can look stunning when paired with the right accessories, not necessarily the most expensive ones. Beautiful jewellery can be made with anything from diamond and gold to recycled materials. In fact, I am immensely passionate about exploring unexpected combinations of materials in my designs.

Q: Where would you like to see your Designs?

A: My desire is that the people wearing my pieces relate with them at a personal level, beyond the materials they are made of. To me, the true value lies within empowering people to express themselves through my work. That is my mission as a jeweller.

Tam, Raquel, Mike, Sayeh and Kourosh

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