Saturday, October 24, 2015

RAW Vancouver October 2015

RAW Vancouver always presents an opportunity for emerging artists, designers and performers to strut their stuff. Held at Celebrities Night Club, last Thursday night, this dramatic show was chalk full of visual treats, music and dance! There was a candle woman in white, who cast a ghostly aura over the main floor, where a fashionably dressed young crowd examined an impressive array of mixed media: photography, graphics, painting, costume and make up art. A comedian and cancer survivor, made light of life challenges, making us laugh when we wanted to cry. A 16 year old musician, took control of the stage and sang his heart out. Other bands followed and people danced and sang along.  It was an animated, lively crowd for sure. Loved the burlesque and tap dancers! All of the dancing was well choreographed and skillfully done. Now, where is my top hat and cane! Fashion Show was the grand finale. Thanks to RAW for the invitation! Excellent entertainment and lots of support for our artists!  Bravo!

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