Thursday, October 30, 2014

DAY 3: RACHEL SIN AND MACKAGE - World Mastercard Fashion Week S/S '15

RACHEL SIN sent two collections down the runway: #RSWORK and #RS Play.  Loved her jackets, vests and coats for the urban jetsetter!  Work is play and play is work, seemed to be a theme, here. The models' hair was side parted and curled, Gatsbyesque!  Adored the blouses with bow ties and hearts.  Light hearted and moving forward stylishly!

George Pimentel

MACKAGE: Eran Eifassy and Elisa Dahan are LaSalle College (Go LaSalle!) grads, noted for their fabulous outwear collection.  Gorgeous colors - think electric yellow, and leathers combined with other fabrics in new and unique ways.  Favorite for me was the men's trench with shorts.  Also want the women's coat in two colors!  Textures and color contrasts for the end of winter and the beginning of spring.  Lots of layering and coats never look bulky or too heavy for shorts, capris or leggings. Eran and Elisa design handbags and accessories, as well.  World travellers that they are, they bring the world to us, with a distinctly Canadian perspective.

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