Monday, March 26, 2012


Written by Colleen Tsoukalas (Treasures Seeker Colleen)

A shout out to Vancouver and Vancouver Fashion Week with Eva Chen, a Vancouver Designer whose show contained the most elegant collection I've seen this week!  Eva continues to wow with her classic, intricately designed suit jackets, delicate dresses, ball gowns -everything.  The tone is set when her models with gorgeous up hair styles and headpieces (often with matching neck pieces) walk gracefully down the runway, (always the entire length, too) with Kelly Hepburn style.  Eva's simple black and white brochure tells much that we want to know: she thanks every one on her team as well as her fans and she is wildly successful, opening her own store in Beijing soon and exhibiting world wide.  This was an eagerly awaited presentation - a full house and photographers climbing over each other and even laying down on the runway just to get that perfect shot.  Every detail was covered: cap sleeves were each a different colour - no two the same, not even on the same dress, dresses cut to hug the figure and not box it in, beautiful clear colours: cream, black, gold, nude and burgundy - no loud shouts or clashing patterns.  Presentation, presentation and oh we can wear it all.  We were even guided to best seats by Stephanie, herself a young woman of accomplishment, and Eva's assistant on this event.  Hope to see more of both of them in Vancouver!  Kudos!

(Images by Colleen Tsoukalas)


colleen said...

Light is much better at Toronto Fashion Week. Eva is great at both Toronto and Vancouver!

Studio Keiko said...

Thank you very much for your kind comments. Colleen never forget the people working behind the scene. I am so glad that you enjoyed the show. Eva is indeed a talented designer and I was very glad to work with her in producing her shows. I produce shows for a number of gifted designers and I hope I can work in Toronto as well. Vancouver is getting more prominent in the fashion world, but I still miss the excitement in Tokyo and Paris where I used to live. Thank you again, Colleen!
Keiko Boxall ( Fahion show producer)

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