Saturday, March 25, 2017

Vancouver Fashion Week 2017 Spring Here and All Over the World

Vancouver Fashion Week started off with a fabulous Gala, that opened with a beautiful collection from LaSalle College Vancouver, now including The Art Institute of Vancouver. Welcomed with delectable treats from Culinary Program students. Fantastic to meet Staff, Parents and, of course, emerging designers, who no doubt, will be in the stores and on clothing labels, soon.

I wore a jacket by Karl Lagerfeld, Paris and a dress by Tadashi Shoji, Prada shoes and jewelry by My Sister's Closet. Make-up every night by Ana V at the top of the stairs at the venue, so stop by before you hit the photo wall.

Jamal Abdourahman - Founder and Producer of Vancouver Fashion Week
Jamal Abdourahman, founder of VFW, is always at the helm, supporting and highlighting local and international designers, both here and worldwide.

LaSalle featured magnificent designers who could easily show at NYC 
Fashion Week. Elegant, sophisticated, colorful and oh, so wearable.

Adam-Lin Bungay, Laura Torrella, Britt Wacher, Bahareh Memarian, Jamarec Eiammanassakul(Rily), Esther Ashu and Wilbur, those really set the tone for not only the Gala, but for the rest of the week. For more about these designers see Olio by Marilyn.

 People did dress up, and I loved the butterfly shoes, for which I would gladly have traded my black ones. Nothing like fashion head to toe!

Following LaSalle was a sample from other designers showing throughout the rest of VFW. See their profiles and interviews at  Loved them all but especially loved the ECO handmade dresses, hats and accessories by Green Embassy, by Zuahal Kuvan-Mills of Australia. Notice the black fish net skirt and touches of net on the blue dress that is made entirely of recycled materials found on the beaches. Fitting for this collection: Empty Oceans. I will be wearing a suit made of Alpaca, at the show, this Sunday at 8:00

And who could resist the vibrant, neon kimono wear from designer Sasaki Vege (Beji): WASSO VEGES. A kimono from this stunning collection is not restrictive or heavy. I went up to the showroom to see the obi and to imagine how many places I could wear the obi as a top, under the kimono, forever looking for an outfit to wear in multiple ways. The Japanese way is to fit and fold the material to the body. It seems that with Western design, I am stuck forever in the world of alterations.

Every night, so far, has been an adventure of Art, Design, Community and Fashion for great causes. 

To all of the Artists, Organizers, and Fashionistas, ever onward!! Thanks! And last but not least, an even bigger thanks to Dianna Drahanchuk for the photos.

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