Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World MasterCard Fashion Week - Laura Siegel-All About Pattern, Design and Detail

Written by Colleen Tsoukalas (Treasure Seeker Colleen) 

Ethnicity is highlighted and collaboration honored in this vibrant, flowing Laura Siegel show.  Travel, history and technical skills: "sliver-smithing, knitting, natural dyeing, embroidery and accessory design", characterize each outfit.  This is a stunning, freeing and very wearable collection that reflects and records a visual history and culture.  The rusts, mauves, purples and greens are vivid backgrounds for the prints.  Textures and layering provide even more complexity.  Chunky platform sandals, strong colors and elongated shapes denote power and a sense of strength and resolve to this collection.  This is dress for purpose and function and is more beautiful for those reasons.

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