Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kobe Fashion Museum

Inspired by the styles and attention to detail everywhere in Japan, I had to see the first museum dedicated to fashion! Here is a short summary of the collection on display. For more information please visit the website here.

Located in Kobe, on Rokko Island, this museum is a magnificent science fiction like structure, situated in a beautiful water-front community of apartments, shopping centers and gardens. A map of the current exhibit shows World Fashions from the mid 1700's to the early 1990's but with an emphasis on design in costumes, hats, evening dresses and textiles.

The current exhibit is organized into sections: Napoleon I, Techniques, Designers, Materials, Colors, and Structures.

The Crowning of Napoleon - A copy of the royal blue, gold tasseled cushion for the crown was embossed with gold designs and his ermine edged and lined robe was also splendid!

There is a whole section on Techniques (Section 1) replicas, with patterns, originals and copies. This contained white dresses from 1800's to 1932. Replicas were made recently. There are stunning dresses by Madeleine Vionnet. A text resource is by Robe Volonte - REPLICA MAKING PROCESS. A second book is all about Womens wear from earliest times to the present and was published in 1886: Edition D'Art by H. Rouit: FASHION PAST AND PRESENT. The pages have been separated and framed and are author drawn and colored. Clothing from around the world: Egypt, Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Europe from the Barbarian times to the the end of the 19th century, is a wonderful backdrop for the costume display also from all corners and is partnered with videos, music and jewelry. These were part of Section 2: Structure.

Section 3: Color shows plant and other materials from which to create color. Two really powerful displays include all the shades of red and all the shades of blue and then many different kinds of clothing in these and other colors. The kimonos and jewelry are especially vivid.

Section 4: Materials, includes silk, wool, hemp and cotton and 20th century designs as well as
designs throughout history. A Manchu Womans court dress dating from the end of the Ching dynasty. There are three fantastic Bed Covers displayed on the walls. Their colors and designs on Copper Plate Chintz looked exotic and luxurious yet comfortable. Three glass boxed tables of fans were a stunning display. There was a French Ivory fan from 1740, and one of ivory and tortoise shell dated early 18th century. Another fan was tulle with lace and mother of pearl, from about 1880. Hats, hats and more hats from the 1940's, 50's and 60's were designed by Mme. de la Barre (1940), Christian Dior (1955) Balenciaga and many others.

Section 5 (Designers) featured evening dresses by Mariano Fortuny, Nina Ricci, and other well knowns but the feature exhibit was a couture collection by Mme. Alix Gres, with a terrific photo of her by Diane Arbus as well as an entire photo history of her life. Shimmering wall hanging photos of Gres and some of her dresses made the whole display come alive.The Kobe Fashion Museum is a must, not only for its fantastic collections and exhibits, but also for its architecture and location. Photography is not permitted but you can access the history of the museum and its collections online at KOBE FASHION MUSEUM/Exhibit.


Ashleigh said...

awww I would LOVe to go ....

amy said...

omg!! you are so so so lucky. i would have died to be in your shoes!


discotheque confusion said...

sigh, another reason to visit japan!
fantastic header, by the way.

Tea said...

I love your shoes!
Looks great.

Couture Carrie said...

So fun! Thanks for the virtual tour!


Cafe Fashionista said...

Why can't there be a Fashion Museum near me? I guess I will have to plan a trip to Japan sometime very, very soon! :)

Wanderlusting said...

Sounds awesome - I would love to see a fashion museum!

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